
I want to thank every person who has restacked this small portion of my three years in a hell I have yet to close the doors on. You are healing me. Thank you.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

Oh god. That was something I’m not sure I could handle. Just glad you made it out.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

I can fully understand that.

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It was a new start. It was freedom and isolation at the same time. Those three years will always be something I keep closely guarded.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD


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Thank you.

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Origin story?

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Is being made into a book about the three years I was married to an international criminal.

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And; thank you so much for the restack. It helps heal my heart!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

What a terrible ordeal you had to go through but I am a bit confused as to why you couldn’t stay in America as a citizen?

This needs a bit more exposition if possible.

BTW, the passport photo does not do your beauty justice!

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Oh; I was fat, blonde and unhappy when I lived with that husband. Not my finest moment. My eyebrows are drawn on due to me losing them from the stress.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

At least that sad chapter of life is behind you now. Did you ever see your stepdaughter again?

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Every second of every day. I speak at the Third World Congress on the Advancements in Mental Health & Psychiatry in March of 2025; which is held in Amsterdam. I may not return.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

Ah. Do send a link to the clip if the session will be recorded. I hope you have a good time there.

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I saw a recent picture with him and a new woman. She was in the picture.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Barb Ladd, PsyD

Do you ever miss Europe?

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I have no clue why they wanted me to leave America within 90 days. I didn’t leave. I have had plenty of contact with local, county, state and federal government due to this and my previous and current positions. Ask the TSA?

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